Thursday, September 4, 2014

2 MINUTE DIY HAIR: headband with a cute twist (no braiding)

Hair with Headband : cute twist, no braiding required

 Cute hair that takes less than two minutes to do: a DIY tutorial for the superbusy folks: all you need is a headband and some bobby pins

hair with headband, quick hair, diy hair tutorial, hair tutorial, hair with headband , fast hair, work hair, back to school hair 

I Have a lot of hair accessories lying around the house, little pins, headbands, hair pins, boxes that promises perfect buns or perfect twist, french twist braid tip.... and I'm amazed at this particular hairstyle, how cute but easy it takes and how little materials it takes.

 It's simple, it's chic, it's elegant, and all it requires is a cute headband.

 I prefer headbands that are flexible so it forms to the curvature of my head better, and it's not so stiff that it hurts after a few hours of wear like those traditional headbands. 

This one is round with an elastic at the base, very comfortable.  

cute headband, diy hair, fast hair, work hair, fast hair, hair tutorial, no braiding hairstyle, hairstyle for long hair
This headband is something I picked up at CVS, it's cute, it's flexible, and it has an elastic at the base of the hair. 

Curl your hair for a even cuter look. 

Looks great with straight hair, too. 

This style can even be done with wet hair, for those days when you rushed out of the shower without a minute to spare before having to hit the road for work.

hair with headband


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