Sunday, October 5, 2014

5 killer apps (free) to give you MORE TIME TO SPARE

5 TOP FREE APPS that will help you save time each day, so that you have more time, to worry about the things that matter.

Technology has evolved each day, and it has helped us increase our efficiency tremendously. 

You just have to know where to look. With the right apps, you will allow robots to do work for you (for free), and give you more time to spare each do the things that matter the most. 

Here, a look at some of the best out there, the top 5 free apps that will make your life a whole lot easier.


Waze is a GPS app that gives you an ETA to your destination based on current traffic conditions based on drivers LIKE YOU. 

With over 10 million downloads and a 4.6 out of 5 star rating, it will re-direct you to routes with less traffic, so you can get to wherever it is you need to go, earlier than a traditional GPS. 

  Also as user-reported police cars, detours, roadblocks, construction areas, accidents, etc. . .  

Also connects to your social media and alerts you when your friends are also on the road (and let you tap to say Hello!)

  2. NEXT! 

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Mailbox is an app that allows you to process large numbers of emails quickly and get you back to "inbox: Zero" in one swoop. 

With intuitive swiping and tapping gestures for archiving, deleting, and saving messages (and setting reminders). 

  Mailbox lets you fly through hundreds of emails in mere minutes. Less time reading/deleting/labeling emails: more time for Candy Crush!


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Create a to-do list.  Sure, you claim you remember what needs to be done and you can get them done so you don't need a to-do list. But are you as productive and effective as you can actually be?

   Say you have 20 things to do on your list, when it's written in clear writing, you'll see things that can be clustered together, things that can be done more effectively and efficiently when done in a certain order. 

Download Tasks N Todos (free) , an app that syncs with your Google calendar. 

  Watch this tutorial on Google calendar and see how you can benefit from this free service. 

  Wunderlist is also a popular alternative.


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Have you ever figured out how much one hour of your time is worth? How much you get paid in one hour to do what you to best? 

Once you have that number, pay someone else LESS money to do other things in your life--cook, clean, mow the lawn, etc. 

Download an app like TaskRabbit, which instantly connects you with people in your area willing to clean your house, deliver packages, or even do other small home projects (clean out the attic or basement!) for a small price. 


automatic backup, best apps for android, best apps for iphone, best apps, killer apps, auto backup photos

Who has time to sit next to a computer with the USB cord and upload all photos to the web from your phone? Have it done automatically!

 I didn't do this, and the first time I lost my cell phone, I realized that all memories of the birthing of my firstborn....was gone...forever. 

  Ever since then I always made sure I have an automatic backup in place so precious moments such as those will never again be lost. 

If you have an Android, sign in with a Google account and set your phone to automatically upload photos to your Google drive. 

  With 15 GB of free space, it's hard to fill up all that space, even if you record videos of your kids every single day. 

  Google photos also links to Picasa, a photo storage space that automatically works with photo prints companies such as Shutterfly. Now you can make cards, prints, albums, from photos you snapped from your phone. And you never had to hit "upload" once.


  GOOGLE CALENDAR: things you didn't know you could do with this free service  

  SAVE time in the kitchen: let others do the work for you

  Have snacks delivered to your door (or workplace), and CLICK to get a free box

  GOOGLE Chrome: why Internet Explorer, Safari, and Mozilla is a complete waste of your time

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